We had the pleasure of meeting the boys and girls along with their mentors from St. Joseph's Ederney Hurling Club on Saturday 29th of July 2017, whilst fittingly, they had just contested the final of the annual Under 10 Shane Mulholland Memorial Tournament hosted by St. Patrick's' Lisbellaw.
Yet again, with all the hard work and efforts of all our volunteers and fundraisers over the years we have been able to continue to support Clubs like St. Joseph's who work so hard to promote & facilitate Hurling in Fermanagh. It was with great delight that on this occasion we were able to present the kids and their mentors with a new set of O'Neills Jerseys, seen pictured, and also over £400 pounds worth of much needed Hurling equipment.
We would like to congratulate St. Joseph's on their fantastic display of Hurling at the Shane Mulholland Tournament 2017 and would like to wish you and your mentors every success in the years ahead. Photo Compliments: Martin Brady Photography